LAS wik ileksen bilong Atonomus Rijon bilong Bogenvil (AROB) i bin op. Ol manmeri long Bogenvil yet
na ol pipel bilong ol husat i stap long bikples PNG tu i bin gat sans long vot long nupela palamen
bilong ol.

LAS Fonde  i wanpela histori seremoni i bin kamap we ol pipel bilong Goilala long Sentral provins i tok sori long Katolik sios na ol pipel bilong kantri Frans long wanpela Katolik pater ol i kilim 68yia i go pinis.

LONG mun Me 26 manmeri bilong Longokave long Sauten Hailens Provins na Dabaraba long Hela
Provins i bin hoilm wan wik bung long Melanesian Institute long Goroka.

OL DISISEN bilong stretim hevi bilong Manam pipel i mas stap long ples na go antap long gavman na i no long gavman i kam daun, Praim Minista James Marape i tok.

The Melanesian Institute
Papua New Guinea is proudly known as a Christian country yet the early missionaries who were
among the first group of people who set foot on the island of New Guinea

PRAIM Minista James Marape i mas tok stret long hevi bilong balus i bagarap long Papa Lealea long Sentral Provins, ausait long Pot Mosbi.

KATOLIK Sios i statim nau pait egensim vailens bilong soseri na sanguma.

On guard against dirty money I received an informative and encouraging feedback from a regular reader of Wantok in Australia on the articles I wrote recently about the issues surrounding our approaches to the national elections.


Poto bilong dispela wik. Olgeta wik bai mipela i putim wanpela poto wantaim astingting na stori bilong en long hia - Kainkain samting i save kamap long wanpela de. Wanwan ples i gat ol kainkain samting long lukim. Sampela em gutpela na sampela i no gutpela tumas. Planti taim ol dispela gutpela taim na samting i save lus nating tasol sampela taim ol i stap insait long ol poto we yumi kisim. Dispela kain ol poto bai yu lukim ol hia long olgeta wik.