Dia poro bilong Wantok Niuspepa.

Taim bilong tingim de bilong Maria I karim pininini Jisas long Betlhem em I kam nau tasol.

Dia edita,

Mi laik Metropoliten Suprintenden bilong NCD i mas putim wanpela hotline bilong ol pablik i ken putim komplen bilong ol long ol spakman.

It is the season of peace and goodwill to all people. This is the time of the year we, in Papua New Guinea, join Christians and all peoples of goodwill around the world to commemorate the coming of Jesus Christ through his birth over 2000 years ago.

Dia edita,

Mi harim olsem NCDC i kisim dinau long wokim wanpela foa lein haiwe ausait long siti.

KRISMAS na Nu Yia i kamap klostu nau na ol pipel bilong PNG i paul nabaut long dispela K16.335 bilien baset bilong 2021.

Dia edita,

Mi no amamas long ol memba bilong yumi long nesenel palamen.

Dia edita,

Olgeta de mi save lukim ol dakglas teksi i save go kam long wanpela lodge long strit i stap klostu.

The political leaders we elect to the National Parliament every five years continue to take us to unchartered areas of political discourse and management of our collective socio-economic future.