OLGETA yia long mun Janueri mamapapa i save pilim bikpela hetpen taim ol i tingim skul fi bilong ol pikinini.

NUPELA YIA 2021 bai kamapim planti salens yet, tasol i gat planti ol driman inap kamap tru sapos yumi pasim tingting long wok strong long abrusim ol dispela salens. I gat planti ol bikpela hevi bilong  yia 2020 em yumi bai pilim yet long nupela yia.

Today, I follow up on the issue I discussed last week concerning the lack of space in tertiary
institutions for majority of our Grade 12 Leavers each year.

Our country needs an effective Opposition in Parliament. It is so important for our democracy to survive.

DISPELA yia 2021, em i las ful yia long laip bilong namba ten nesenel palamen bilong Papua Niugini.

MUN Disemba i pulap long planti stori bilong ol indai i kamap long planti hap bilong kantri.

Families of 17,772 Grade 12 Leavers last year (2020) are disappointed at this time because their sons and daughters will not make it to a university or a college in 2021.

The first successful motion of no confidence (MONC) against a Prime Minister was in March 1980 - a mere
five years after independence in 1975.