UNITED Church in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands was taken surprise and was sad to hear the news of the passing of one of its great and dedicated leaders.

He was Reverend Sir Samson Lowa.

Reverend Lowa was Moderator of the United Church from 1998 to 2012.

Late Reverend Lowa died peacefully on 24 June, 2020 in Ukarumpa, Eastern Highlands Province.

Reverend Samson was an ardent member of Wantok Niuspepa Board of Directors and always had an input for the improvement of the paper. The paper is grateful and is appreciative of his stewardship.

The paper takes this time to do a feature on him with comments from the United Church and the followers.

His successor Reverend Bernad Siai reminisces his colleague as a soft spoken and a man filled with wisdom.

“He is a man who is known by many people as a man of faith and a down to earth person,” he said.

“He is Christ like and people described him as the beacon of faith and a man of integrity.

“This nature and faith influenced many people to rise to the next level.

Reverend Siai said he was thankful to God for a man like Samson who was a gift to the Church.

“When I was a young pastor in the Church, Samson has had a lot of influence over my life especially as a leader. He was a mentor and spiritual father to me.

“Reverend Lowa promoted godly living. He was offered by the world many opportunities where many thought those were good for him but he would always say, that was for others and not for him. He did not compromise his faith.”

“Reverend Lowa is gone but his legacy lives on.

From the community, members of the United Church members and other churches too respected this great man.

One faithful described Reverend Lowa as a giant.

The person who wanted to remain anonymous wrote on the Facebook and said, “I learned the passing of a great man whom I will call a giant although he may not like it!

“He was the former Moderator of the United Church of Papua New Guinea. So humble, I am blessed to have come to know Reverend Samson Lowa as a friend.

“I was not a member of his congregation or church, but there was something about this man that touched my life and that is his humility.

“In friendship and ministry to this country we thank you Lord for Reverend Lowa's life.”

Another also said on the Facebook, “I am saddened to learn of a great warrior passing on. I thank God for what he has accomplished through this great but humble leader. He was one of those leaders who made transformation in the Church and the country. God gets the glory as he welcomes home a good and faithful servant.”

The Late Reverend Sir Samson Lowa comes from Galilo village in West New Britain Province. He was born on 15 August, 1949. His father Aisoli Kevau and his mother Alice Gauru Marisa are both from Galilo in West New Britain Province.

Late Reverend Lowa began his primary education in Galilo Primary School and Talesea Primary School, West New Britain from 1958 to 1963.

He then moved to Malabunga Junior High School, East New Britain in 1964 and then to Kerevat High School in 1965 to1967 to complete his high school.

After completing high school, he continued to Goroka Teachers College from 1968 to 1970 and graduated with a diploma in high school teaching.

He taught for some years in various provinces, mostly in the New Guinea Islands region. In 1976 he was appointed head master of Utu High School in New Ireland Province.

However, teaching career did not satisfy him fully as he felt there was a higher calling.

He felt God was calling him, to do something different.

He finally left and enrolled at Rarongo Theological College in Rabaul in 1977 and graduated with a Diploma in Divinity in 1978. And there upon started his journey as a pastor and servant of God.

His first appointment after graduating from Rarongo Theological College was the Chaplain of George Brown High School in East New Britain Province where he also served at Rabaul Memorial Church for two terms as a pastor.

He then went to Australia and served as a missionary in Uniting Church Australia for three years before returning.

On his return, he was appointed to Malmaluan Leaders Training School as the Principal, then later appointed Associate Principal of Dauli Teachers College in Hela Province and was later appointed as Principal of Gaulim Teachers College in East New Britain Province.

From Gaulim Teachers College he was appointed Chaplain of University of PNG and was later appointed Pastor at Sione Kami Memorial Church, Port Moresby.

From Sione Kami, the United Church PNG elected him as Moderator of the Church where he served in that position from 1998 to 2012.

He was the longest serving Moderator of the Church in which he served for fourteen years. After his term as moderator, he was again appointed for a term as the Minister at Sione Kami Memorial Church for three years. After finishing his term at Sione Kami he retired from fulltime ministry but continued to do evangelism in his retirement age until his passing.

Reverend Siai also said late Reverend Samson Lowa achieved many things in life but he also encountered many challenges.

He said as Moderator of UCPNG, Reverend Lowa was elected as a leader when the Church was facing many difficulties.

But under Reverend Lowa’s leadership the Church was able to overcome them.

Reverend Lowa had a stroke in 2011 while in Office where he took some time to rest but later returned.

In the midst of the challenges, he had vision for the Church and worked tirelessly to achieve his dreams.

He always had children and youth in his focus, seeing them as future generation of the Church. He encouraged the Church to give them priority.

He also encouraged the laity to use their gifts in the Church. One dream he had for the UCPNG was the Church to have a University of its own.

He was a mentor to many young leaders of today both in the church, government and in society.

Reverend Lowa was the co-founder of Grass Root University or Personal Viability where many people are benefiting in PNG and abroad today.

Reverend Lowa was recognised by the Office of the Governor General and he was knighted (KBE) in 2010 for his contribution to the church and the community.

He was a committee member to Christian organisations both within the country and overseas, and also committee member to some important government organisations.


By Paul Zuvani

Below are few committees where he was a member:

  • Chairman PNG Evangelism Explosion, NCD 1995-2012;
  • Member of International Evangelism Explosion, USA, 1996-2009;
  • Moderator United Church PNG, 1998-2012;
  • Chairman PNG Council of Churches, 2000-2012;
  • Committee Member, Bank of PNG, 2001-2012;
  • Public Service Review Advisory Group, 2002-2009;
  • Advisory Council, PNG Sustainable Development, 2002-2009;
  • Chairman of Independence Fellowship Scheme, NCD 2003-2015;
  • Duputy Moderator of Council of World Mission, London, UK 2004-2006; and
  • Senior Minister Sione Kami Memorial Church, 2014-2017.

May his soul rest in peace.