MAN and women of traditional Melanesia were alike. Alike in the sense that just like the men had clearly defined roles to play in the community, women had theirs too.

In Melanesia today, Christianity seems to be the most prevalent religion. This was not so in traditional Melanesia. The traditional religion of the Melanesian was quite symbolic in nature.

In any democratic country, elections are a way of serving the democratic purpose however in PNG, critical observations find that the political parties on the other hand, mean very little to voters.

The fresh first week of Melanesian Institute’s first-born child- the Cultural Orientation Course - brought in a flush of participants arriving at the Melanesian Institute campus a few days earlier than the start date.

“Yu meri ya, yu no man.” - This is by far one of the most limiting sentences thrust at generations of Papua New Guinean women once or more in their lifetime.

NOW more than ever in Papua New Guinea, people blame sorcery or witchcraft for deaths in the communities and society and this causes the multiple payback killings in our neighbourhoods.

We are heading into the period when persons who intend to contest in the next national election make their intentions known in their socio-economic circles.

Almost each and every one of us has lost someone dear to us at some point in our lives. Whether it was a sibling or a parent, an aunt, uncle, nephew or your favorite niece, a grandparent or even a spouse, we have all fell prey to the grasp of grief.