THE desire of picking a fruit at the Garden of Eden led to destruction of the creation and the man lost its dominion over the universe.

In order to save the humankind, rules were set by the Almighty to bring back the lost ones while man travel to search the kingdom.

This erected chaos in the mist of the man’s journey,as HIV and AIDS came to being to fulfill the God Almighty’s Words in the Holy Bible; “I will bring incurable disease to all mankind because of their disobedience.”

The Lord Almighty’s Words never fail and so the deadly disease HIV and AIDS entered the shores of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the National Government responded by set up the National AIDS Council Secretariatto fight the virus.

The PNG Christian Leaders Alliance (PNGCLA) on HIV and AIDS (PNGCLA), consist of twenty (20) churches recognized this message and join in the fight.

To change the behaviors of the individuals with the Word of God Almighty and have launched a bottom-up strategic plan in their Jiwaka Centre for the Highlands regions in 2019.

The PNGCLA Jiwaka Centre Priest Joseph Tobo admits that having this form of life means; we, ourselves must be transformed before we address these very issues of combating HIV/AIDS.

The disease is spread through sexual intercourse and common customs and taboos in PNG context is very sacred in the family and the society.

Men live in the Men’s house while women with young girls lives in women’s house.

Women had certain respect for men,this also applies their male counterpart, who had respect for the females.

Females are restricted in certain norm by not walking in front of the men and are also forbidden in delivering food to men during menstrual period, forbidden to jump over food, woman were not allowed to use obscene languages in public.

Sexual Intercourse is very sacred done for procreation within marriage to keep bloodline going and never expose to the public.

It is sacred among couples only. Woman and young girls are not allowed to expose their breast to others. That period of time traditional believe, customs and norms were strictly observed and daily lifestyle of our people in many parts of the country were guided by taboos. Sexual intercourse is purposely for marriage and has got value in it.

Traditional cultures are dying out because of western influences and modern technologies.

Many young people are adapting into western cultures, yet they know very little about western civilization.

In addressing HIV/AIDS epidemic, Priest Tobo said we have to respect our traditional culture. By saying no to condom because condoms was not part of our culture. 

In a pre-research done by PNGCLA that condoms are not safe and also Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART) cannot kill the HIV decease but it only makes the virus go to sleep.

Our Melanesian society is a community oriented, made up of tribes, clans, sub-clan and Family unit from father, mother and children.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Team in the Highlands Region will target each community in the Highlands Region through Council wards. Councilor is responsible for the community. Their network for awareness will be with the councilors, Pastors, church leaders, Youths and Mothers to get to the bottom of this awareness of HIV/AIDS epidemic.  It is the most difficult task to cover every community or council ward but with Faith, God will intervene through Community Approach.

The Biblical approach is very significant to the community in regard to HIV/AIDS awareness. Life is not something fake, it is a special gift from God and everyone is accountable for his/her own life. Deliberately taking/murdering life of someone is morally wrong as well as God’s sixth Commandment says ‘You shall not Kill/Murder someone.’

Regarding HIV/AIDS awareness through Biblical Approach, any infected person is responsible to respect life of any innocent in the community and not purposely spreading it by murdering someone. The Church leaders are specially called to battle against HIV/AIDS through Biblical Approach sharing Christ’s ministries by doing his ways mainly caring, loving and bringing peace and harmony to the most affected and infected ones.

As leaders Church will be playing a major role in quoting scriptures mainly Gospel Approach in Awareness within the community to educate infected to behave and respect life and respect God who is the source of all lives on this earth.

The method that the PNGCLA Jiwaka Centre want to apply is simple and it is through community level awareness. The ward councilor, leaders and church elders will be engaged in each council ward to arrange community gathering. The awareness Team will be officially making awareness regarding epidemic/infected disease is affecting our community. It is already attacking the community, clan and family members. The epidemic is here to stay in the Community and does not respect anybody if we are not responsible for one another.

“The method of awareness starts with me. I am responsible to get tested and know my own status.

“Our awareness team is targeting individual and family in each council ward to be tested and know their status,” he said.

Compulsory check should be organized by leaders in each council ward for volunteering testing that how many are infected and KNOW THE STATUS OF HIV/AIDS within the family members in every council ward of the districts in the Province. Data collections will determine the status in the region and we will have a fair knowledge of the most infected and affected community.

In the Highlands Regions,Jiwaka Centre will start Pilot Project awareness, starting with North Waghi District about the total of forty – four council wards (44), Jimi Electorate we have 61 Council Wards and South Waghi Anglimp has 84 Council Wards. The Centre have total of 189 council wards or communities and a total population of 200, 000 plus.

Community leaders, women and youths will all play major role in each of the council ward to address this epidemic through Bottom up approach. It starts with individuals and a family within the community in each council ward.

By Joe Dawai