INDONESIA i salim kaunta teroris skwat bilong en i go long Wes Papua long stopim ol

Indonesia i tok ol paitman bilong Fri Papua Muvmen (OPM) em ol teroris. Tupela
wik i go pinis, ol dispela paitman bilong Wes Papua independens muvmen i kilim tupela ami
opisa bilong Indonesia na nau trabel i wok long kamap long sampela hap bilong provins.

Indonesia i givim nem ‘teroris’ long ol lain long Wes Papua husat i wok long pait
long kisim independens.
Dispela nem teroris bai bringim moa spesel kaunta teroris skwat i go long Wes Papua.
Gavman bilong Australia i bin givim trening long dispela spesel kaunta teroris skwat
bilong Indonesia.
Indonesia i salim 400 moa soldia i go long Wes Papua bihain long Presiden Joko Windodo i
singaut long stopim ol trabel. Ol soldia bilong Indonesia i arestim wanpela Papua
independens lida, Victor Yeimo. Ol i tok em i go pas long kirapim tingting bilong ol pipel
long kamapim trabel.
Moa long 30 sivil sosaiti grup, wantaim Human Rights Watch na Amnesty International, i
singaut long Indonesia i mas larim Mista Yeimo i go fri. West Papua Liberation Army i tok ol
soldia bilong Indonesia i kilim sampela lain bilong ol na bagarapim ol ples.

Ol hevi i kamap bihain long gavman bilong Indonesia i tokaut olsem ol lain husat i wok long
pait long kisim independens na ol OPM em ol teroris. Planti lain i toktok strong nau olsem
dispela nem teroris, bai mekim ol soldia bilong Indonesia i kamapim vailens na mekim ol
pasin nogut long ol pipel bilong Wes Papua.

Sekyuriti Minista bilong Indonesia, Mahfud MD, i tok dispela nupela nem ‘teroris’ i
karamapim ol dispela lain long Papua na Wes Papua provins husat i laik bruk lusim Indonesia
na stap olsem wanpela independen kantri.
"Gavman i lukim ol Papua ogenaisesen o pipel husat i kamapim bikpela vailens na em i tok
dispela lain em ol teroris,” Minista i tok.
"Terorisim em ol eksen we ol i yusim vailens o pretim o pipel na kamapim bagarapim log ol
pipel na ol samting,” em i tok.
Kaunta –terorisim lo bilong Indonesia i givim strongpela pawa long han bilong gavman we ol
i ken holim ol saspek na holim ol i stap inap sampela wik long kalabus na i no sasim ol
ABC i askim gavman bilong Indonesia wantaim ami long hamas ol soldia i stap nau long
Wes Papua, tasol ol i no bin bekim.
Could Australian-trained troops get involved?

The designation of members of the Free West Papua Movements as terrorists – after they
were earlier branded as Armed Criminal Groups or KKB by Indonesia – has allowed for the
increased deployment of an elite counter-terrorism squad trained by Australia into the
contested region.
Senior Police Commissioner Ahmad Ramadhan said the unit, called Detachment 88, "will
certainly be involved" in handling terrorism cases against Papuans.
Detachment 88 receives some training from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) through a
joint Australian-Indonesian law enforcement facility based in Jakarta.
The facility also provides training to Indonesia's National Police (INP) forces.
"The AFP provides capacity building assistance in support of the INP, including Detachment
88," an AFP spokesperson told the ABC.
"The AFP delivers training programs in a manner that reflects and supports Australia's strong
support of human rights."
The unit has come under fire in the past by Papuans, who claim it is a "death squad" that has
been involved in torture and extra-judicial killings in the region.

Jason MacLeod, the founder of the Make West Papua Safe campaign, said he was "not
against the training" of Indonesian forces by AFP, but said Australia needed to do more to
ensure Detachment 88 members were not committing crimes in the contested region.
"We just need to be completely clear that our funding is not contributing to making the
human rights situation worse, that Australian public officials, like AFP officers, are not
training people involved in human rights violations," Mr MacLeod said.
The AFP told the ABC it would not comment on the deployment of Detachment 88 since it
"is a matter for the Indonesian authorities".
Richard Chauvel, a research fellow at the University of Melbourne and expert in Australia-
Indonesia relations, said the issue of Australia training Indonesian troops that may be
deployed to Papua "is sensitive on both sides".
"Both pro-independence Papuan leaders and their support groups in Australia and elsewhere,
have tried to campaign on this issue," Dr Chauvel said.
"Because of the publicity that's generated by that, that's an issue of potential embarrassment
to the Australian Government."
'The number of troops is out of control'

Rights groups fear the terrorist designation, and ramping up of military action, would squash
any chance of negotiations to end hostilities in the former Dutch colony, which declared
independence in 1961.
Neighbouring Indonesia took control of the mineral-rich region two years later with the
promise of holding an independence referendum.
Supporters for West Papuan independence often claim they were robbed by a subsequent vote
in favour of staying with Indonesia, since few more than a thousand hand-picked Papuans
were allowed to cast their ballot.